Online study sessions

A Message To Our Community:

At a time when everyday life is disrupted by the threat of COVID-19, we turn to you, dear friend, and ask that you please not hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know are in need of assistance. Rivka and I are here to offer support and friendship to you and the community, 24/7.

Although the current climate of uncertainty demands social distancing and extra caution, perhaps we can alleviate some of the fear and loneliness by shifting our focus to how we CAN be there for each other.

At this vulnerable time, we are extending aid to elderly and homebound community members to lend an extra hand. If you are in need of support or wish to join our team of volunteers, please click below.

When the world seems filled with darkness, there is an immeasurable value in every added light. You can illuminate your life and your surroundings by increasing in daily mitzvot, charity and prayer. For extra protection, contact us for a mezuzah for your home.

May our prayers, charity, mitzvot and compassion for one another bring healing to our community and the world at large.

Rabbi Mendy and Rivka Horowitz

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